Publishing Ministry

Have you ever re-told one of your favorite life stories and thought, “That’d make a good book?”

Believe it.

We all are capable of writing a fantastic book. It may not be an American bestseller, or maybe it will be. Whatever it is you end up writing, you have to believe in it: that it’ll minister to a heart near or far, and that it’ll be one of your legacies. The biggest hindrance to publishing your own book is you- so let me help you believe in your vision! You can do this!

Pick it.

Pick a package! Another hindrance to publishing is affordability and time. If you use my services, you’ll get the input of a professional who has been through the process of publishing. You can choose to publish under my company, or I can walk you through the self-publishing process if you’ve got the time!

Sow it.

This is where the magic happens. You’ve written and published your book, so now what? You don’t sit and wait, you share, share share! See your project as seeds needing to be planted to reap a harvest! I’ll show you the ropes when it comes to marketing your book and newfound vision.

This is only the beginning!


Basic Package $350

Three, one-hour mentoring sessions to walk you through your specific publishing needs. Includes copyright, ISBN, book front and back cover, Amazon and Barnes and Noble uploads, and marketing guideline worksheets, and some exclusive bonus author materials to help you pave your way to success!

Wildly Rooted Ministry’s First Author to Be Published

Our first author to publish with Wildly Rooted Ministry is Lex Launius!

Her debut novel, Breathe, Broken Soul, will be available for pre-order in September 2021.

Visit her Instagram for more information!


“The legacy we leave is not just in our possessions, but in the quality of our lives. The greatest waste in all of our earth, which cannot be recycled or reclaimed, is our waste of the time that God has given us each day.”

  • Billy Graham